2015 WiFi refit for Port Annapolis marina

A major WiFi refit for 2015 is underway for Port Annapolis.  We will be cabling to each of the current Access Points to provide for faster networking back to the three Comcast service points in the marina.

We will also be adding high speed switches and better WiFi controllers that manage bandwidth utilization better.  We are also providing this self-help and troubleshooting site to make connecting to the network easier and less frustrating.  Should you not be able to connect, we are also offering a trouble ticket tool that will let you request assistance online. We will use the trouble reports to not only aid WiFi users, but to assist us in tracking and repairing chronic issues, and planning for future upgrades.

We hope this will provide all of you with a better experience while using the WiFi.

For a FAQ on the project and on connections, please slip on the FAQ link above.

Thank you!